1·When man first saw the Camel, he was so frightened at his vast size that he ran away.
2·Fortunately its vast size and almost complete lack of portability reputedly limited its destructive potential.
3·Given China's vast size and relatively low per capita income, such an extensive high-speed network seems extravagant.
4·Then they came to a country which was wholly covered with immense Orange-trees of a vast size, and quite full of fruit.
5·The ATS has created this online photo album to show ATS members and other attendees at work during the Conference and to show the meeting's vast size and scope.
6·China's vast size and resources, her extraordinary economic progress over recent years, have made her an increasingly important player in the modern international economy.
7·First, I have to say, there are some really good Numbers from stats.wikimedia.org, who do an amazing job of providing information despite the vast size of the database they're dealing with.
8·Even as China is undergoing enormous transformation, the two sides firmly believe that the vast size and potential of China's economy will continue to drive strong growth for years to come.
9·Another team of scientists wrote in the journal Science about the discovery of a vast 22-mile underwater oil plume the size of Manhattan.
10·But even with this advantage, wireless devices offer a vast range of capabilities in terms of memory, processing power, battery life, display size, and network bandwidth.